Sunday, November 25, 2012

Boise Temple

After a LONG closure, the Boise Temple is finally open again!  Marc & I got to be tour guides during the open house and it was awesome!  It is so beautiful inside and we have loved every minute of being inside.  We also took our own family, plus grandma, plus our good friend Pauline.  What a neat experience to share with everyone!

Our youth also got to be a part of the Cultural Celebration which was presented to the Prophet at Taco Bell Arena on BSU Campus.  We spent hours and hours and hours preparing for 1:30 of performing, but it was so worth it!!!  What a great experience for the 9,200 youth who were able to be a part of this.

All of the youth were given cinch bags to keep their things in that day.  Of course Grant and his buddies saw it as a way to advertise themselves to the ladies!  All of the guys wrote "Future Elder ___________"

President Thomas S. Monson addressing the youth

President Monson and Elder Bednar enjoying the performance

Sunday Morning we attended the first dedication as a family at our Stake Center.  It was so nice to be there with my children and experience that with them.  Marc & I had tickets to attend the dedication inside the temple at 12:00pm, so we hurried over to Boise as soon as we dropped our kids off at home.  What a neat feeling to be in the temple, with the Prophet.  Such a GREAT weekend!

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